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 Weapon related topic 
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Champion in solo and duo and trio and quartet

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Post Weapon related topic
this is a topic related to weapons' abilities (damage,firerate,etc..):

Note: the colors show how good is that weapon, from yellow to red and the numbers show the rating of an ability, and at the end with a final rating from 1 to 10

1) Blaster

Description: it's the most useless weapon because it has very low damage, but the only good thing is that the it has unlimited ammo. it can be used at its best when you do the corner trick against slow monsters.

Fire rate: normal (5)
Damage: very low (-5)
Tactics: corner trick with slow monsters (3)

Special: unlimited ammo (10+)

Final rating: 4 (F)

2) Shotgun

Description: it's a nice weapon with a normal fire rate, regular ammo but with low damage. you can use it versus the berserks using the well known tactic when you want to kill them

Also called: SG

Fire rate: normal (6)
Damage: low (0)
Ammo: much (8)
Tactics: you can use it when you want to kill berserks/infantry/soldiers or other weak units. there's a specific tactic to kill the berserks: go in front of them, shoot, go back, and repeat (the point of this strategy is that the the berserk tries to attack because of that the you get in front of him, but he always misses because you fall back, and finally, he gets hit.) (5)

Special: nothing (0)

Final rating: 6 (D)

3) Super Shotgun

Description: Probably the most powerfull weapon from the game: great damage, great ammo and normal fire rate. you can use the specific berserk tactic on more monsters than only on the berserks, because of the great damage, such as gladiators or berserks, and has great kickback

Also called: SS

Damage: High (the ammo makes it better than the chaingun) (9)
Fire rate: Normal (6)
Ammo: much (8)

Special: the specific berserk tactic works on more monsters (not only on berserks), you may use it to push your enemies back or to shoot your friends (cooperative shortcuts) (10)

Final rating: 10+ (A+)

4) Machinegun

Description: it is fast, but not that powerfull, and it loses its ammo fast.

Also called: MG

Damage: Medium (total), Low (per shot) (4)
Fire rate: fast (8)
Ammo: Medium (4)
Tactics: None (0)

Special: it kills the soldiers fast (4)

Final rating: 7 (D+)

5) Chaingun

Description: Very fast, powerfull, but a bullet eater/parasite!

Also called: CG

Damage: high (total, the speed makes it better than the machinegun), low (per bullet) (9)
Fire rate: The fastest! (10+)
Ammo: very low (the chaingun eats the ammo!) (-3)
Tactics: use the chaingun in combination with the quad damage, and it is a monster eater (best used versus bosses) (6)

Special: Nothing (the "bullet eater" state doesn't count :lol: )

Final rating: 8 (C)

6) Grenade Launcher

Note: grenades are almost the same thing to grenade launcher, so we consider that the grenades are equal to the grenade launcher

Description: it is weak and slow, but it has much ammo and its grenades bounce when they hit the wall

Also called: GL

Damage: medium (3)
Fire rate: slow-medium (3)
Ammo: much (8)
Tactics: use it to kill the monsters in corners (4)

Special: it bounces when it hits the walls (4)

Final rating: 7 (D+)

7) Rocket Launcher

Description: it's fast,it has much ammo, but it has low damage. a very good thing is that the it has splash damage! (it damages multiple enemies within the explosion range)

Also called: RL

Damage: medium (3)
Fire rate: medium-fast (7)
Ammo: much (8)
Tactics: use it to damage multiple enemies at once, or to kill the tanks (5)

Special: it has splash damage (5)

Final rating: 9 (B)

8) Hyper Blaster

Description: it's fast and lethal, with medium ammo, the best choice to kill tough enemies. the only bad thing is that the it uses the power armor's ammo

Also called: HB

Damage: Very high (10)
Fire rate: Very fast (10)
Ammo: normal (it kills the enemies faster, and it uses less ammo) (7)
Tactics: use it to kill the tough enemies such as tanks, gladiators,mutants, etc.. (4)

Special: Very fast and powerfull (4)

Special minus: it uses the power shield's armor (-4)

Final rating: 10 (A)

9) Railgun

Description: Very powerfull,a lot of ammo, but it is slow. it goes through the enemies

Also called: RG

Damage: very high (10)
Fire rate: slow-medium (3)
Ammo: much (8)
Tactics: use it to kill very powerfull enemies such as tanks, flying bosses, tank commanders,etc.. , use it to kill/hit many enemies from only one hit (8)

Special: it goes through the enemies (7)

Final rating: 10+ (A+)

10) BFG10K

Description: the last weapon from the game.. the mosnters' nightmare, the BFG10K, the weapon of destruction. anyways, please note that it's not that good as it appears to be: it is extremly powerfull, but it is very slow, and it is a cell eater.. and it uses the power shield's armor.

Also named: BFG

Damage: The most powerfull! (10+)
Fire rate: very slow (it stuns all the enemies around you,and it gives you time to shoot again) (0)
Ammo: very low (it uses the ammo very fast) (-3)
Tactics: use it if you are totally surrounded, else you may waste 50 cells (6)

Special: Very powerfull and incredible splash damage! (6)

Special minus: it uses the powershield's armor, and A LOT OF! (-4)

Final rating: 7 (D+) (because of the splash damage and of the power)

A final question: which weapons do you prefer the most? (top 3)

1) Railgun
2) Super shotgun
3) Hyper blaster

Quaking like it's the '98s.
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Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:04 am Profile YIM
Champion in solo and duo and trio and quartet

Joined: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:06 pm
Posts: 165
Post Re: Weapon related topic
i remembered there was a topic like this somewere.. well anyway



Good for many situations, big damage, effective against most of the enemies with a good tactic. Bad thing is it loses its power even if you are a step away from your enemy.


Just great. One of the most tactical weapon of the game. Because of it never spreads you can effectively use it on long range too. if you corner and hit evry shot you can kill big enemies too without using any of ammo. Bad on many enemies/combat situations.


Good because you can use it the same way as blaster, but you will always hit becuase monsters cant dodge too well and its right where you aim it.
railgun is good in both close range and long range, but bad in some situations (lo of enemies that are long distance from each other).
you can use it like blaster in long range and like Sshotgun in close range. bad thnig is that you get it pretty late in the game.

Playing: Vido gams
xRDVx wrote: "Put oil in your hands
and your hands around his wiener"

Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:27 am Profile
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