My Quake 2 Mission-pack: Stroggos Retaliates
OK, I'm pretty much done area one. Theres around 20 monsters, 300 brushes, 100 entities. I know, monsters are entities, but I'm just giving you the extra info. So, I took some screenies
He looks MAD!
A little storage room. Bloody of course
This has a funny story behind it! Read about it below.
Getting the heck outta those creepy vents!
jump for it!.JPG
Took down one of those annoying Medics in some vents.
vent crawl.JPG
The funny story behind picture three was I was walking into the storeroom and shot-gunned a Machine-gun Guard off of the tall box he was standing on down behind it to where a Light Guard was hiding. Then he started doing his final shots blindly and killed his teammate!
It was really funny to see.
So tell me what you think, after this, I think the spiral stairs and then the bridge, then maybe a beta!