Need of new development XML rules loading...
I need better XML Rules testing, Pat. I want to perfect mission 1 so that it is funner to play than on single player & that it is not TOO hard...
The problem is, I download the XML rules from here: and I use this command line to start the game:
C:\Quake2\Quake2maX.exe +set game coopordie +set xmlrules xmlrules_map_base1.xml +skill 3 +map base1
. However, I need to set up the game to use the other XML rules as well... somewhere you said that your server automatically does this for you, and I need to do it too. Another thing is... you messed up on the "xmlrules_map_base1.xml" becuase you combined both of our files together when: my file was made to overwrite yours (while keeping the same server-side messages). Finally, I have just realized that, when I die while testing an XML file, the game freezes because it doesn't know what to do from there...
I want to do what Crusard is doing, I want to help and make COOP or DIE as much fun as I can! Can you please make a developers edition COOP or DIE that automatically loads the exact same XML files that you use? There should be a "xmlrules.cfg" that can contain the contents:
setxmlrules "xmlrules_generic_*"
setxmlrules "xmlrules_map_?"
Where * means: load all xml files with that prefix. Where ? means: load the xml file with the prefix "xmlrules_map_" and replace the ? with the name of the map. Maybe you could use another symbol to replace "?"...
In other news, I am going to beat COOP or DIE on a new account for the 4th time... because I can! I want to go find the 2nd secret level! I will make a pac-man-like secret level where you have to collect all the armor shards while killing the enemies.