That quote, in the vid, could have come from God in the Old Testament! Jewish soldiers were not only allowed to do this to a defeated army / city, they HAD to do it, otherwise God would punish them - ha. Slavery, also OK. Giving your daughters up to be raped, also OK within certain biblical constraints. Lot's daughters (no names, as they are female) getting Lot drunk and sleeping with him, to continue the bloodline, no mention of this being either good or bad. Looking around as your city, fiends, pets, relations, old school, shops, thousands of innocent people, house etc. all get levelled (i.e. Lot's wife, also no name other than relationship to the male character) - turned to stone!
And this is after wiping out the entre human race, millions of innocent people (before Moses had actually said what can and can't be done) and all other animals (other than either 2 or more depending upon interpretation) excluding Noah, his wife (no name again) and children - Noah lives until he's 900 years-old by the way. Oh, and there are giants around too - I'm not joking, read it and see for yourself!
And don't forget, the morally repugnant:
>>>>> Finite sin = infinite punishment <<<<<<
(but only in the New Testament, not mentioned by God in the Old Testament)
Barbarian - quite