Re: My Quake 2 Mission-pack: Stroggos Retaliates
Heellllooooo chhilllddreennn, you're listening to Square Root of Nine Dog and I'm here to give ya'll an update on my map pack. It's bittersweet I suppose. But anyhow, the deal is I'm not rushing on the pack as I have a lot of work to do lately, however, I am making what I deem the best maps I've ever made. Packed full of action, lots of little surprises and most importantly, perfected to their very best. I am using lots of new tricks I learned, from laser traps you can turn on the Stroggs who made them to fancy brushwork.
I also am including full support for difficulty scaling. On Hard or Nightmare, you'll need a buddy to survive. Or you had better be damn good with that blaster. On Easy or Medium, solo play isn't so suicidal, but you'll probably want to wait for the Lazarus Version for singleplayer. It'll involve sneaking, taking strogg outfits and more tactical play as well as complicated things like friendly AI and turrets. That'll probably only be a month after the co-op version is released.
To show one of the new maps I'm working on, I am attaching a screenshot on the map editor grid. It'll give you an idea of the small size of the level (its only 1/3 done though!) but don't let that fool ya, this map is PACKED with action. my only worry is that... slower PC's might not be able to keep up. However I like Quake 2 as it allows me to run wild without worrying about the complications of newer games (pretty much, it's a simple game) and includes fancy entities to make elaborate traps and scenes. I also have no limits on level size or entity density (within reason). Anyhow, enough rambling,