Amount of players playing?
We (Machine, I and one more, don't remember who, though) had a problem yesterday.
There were 3 of us on Machine's server and 2 possible players to join in. Well, Machine changed maxclients to 5. It seemed to work, through console it said maxclients "5" (after server restart, that is) but when Machine, I and my friend Viper and a fourth player joined then the server couldn't take any more even when maxclients was 5.
So, what I'm asking is that could it be possible to set command maxclients possible to change by the creator of the server at least? Not just up but down also. Let's say me and Machine play at mission 3 or 4 and then someone joins and he can only access mission 1. Well, that at least pisses me off. In situations like that it would help to be able to change it lower.
I hope you can make something out of what I just wrote.