Finished... Took me a while, but I did it... Had to bounce out a few times to avoid... Death... And always started in the beginning of the unit because if I started in the current area that I was before I bounced out I wouldn't have the needed items... to some time training in Regular I found out some stuff that might be useful to other people...
1-Assess situation Listen before jumping into action (might not look like it won't help, but trust me... It will);
2-Binding Bind keys to the handiness of your player (easier firing) and to switch to your last weapon used (better use the right mouse button);
3-Corner shooting (after tip nr. 2) Try to find "blind" (yes, I put blind between quotes because blind isn't to you, is to your enemy... They don't move unless you show yourself or if you shoot...) spots so you can shoot the stroggies without making them move... Specially through corners. Best used with Machinegun and Shotgun;, Fire, Cover Easiest tactic ever... Use corners to your advantage. Best used with Shotgun;
5-FOV changing Basically, your scope... Bind it to your mouse wheel... Don't forget to also add a sensitivity reduction and increase to those binds or you'll have a hard time aiming. Best against enemies at Medium to Long range;
5.1-Reconnaissance Use the FOV bindings to spot some enemies without alerting them;
6-Enemy combat tactics Going to take a while... So better note down on a paper or on your head:
6.1-Soldiers Shotty all the way;
6.2-Infantry Blaster through the corner;
6.3-Gunners If possible make them shoot each other, otherwise stick to the 3rd and 4th tip;
6.4-Berserkers Machinegun best choice because they stand still while you are shooting them
6.5-Chicks Same routine, betrayal or tip 4;
6.6-Tanks and Tank Commanders:
There is no enemy easier than these guys... Shotty, machinegun, grenades, rockets, railgun, etc. as long as you stick to tip 4 because if you use tip 3 they will still react to the sound of the weapon and move;
6.7-Mutants Strafe left or right (doesn't matter as long as you strafe) and keep the mutie in the middle of the circle and use machinegun to hold him where he is, shotty to do more damage and if you are crazy enough (like me) let him jump to you and supershot him to dust;
6.8-Gladiator Use explosive weapons and tip 4 or constant strafing left and right to avoid his shots and moving back to avoid his blade;
6.9-Medics (dunno the correct name):
NEVER stop moving or use tip 4... Rail him twice to kill;
6.10-Supertank Easiest ever put him in a blind spot (second time you see him) or do the same tactic for the Mutant;
6.11-Flyers (all the enemies that fly will be included here) Best way to kill them is to do the 3th or 4th tip. Flyers, shotty them to Hell and Hovers... Just rail 'em (if you don't have Raingun yet, use shotty);
6.12-Flippers Avoid water or use blaster, mg or shotty;
6.13-Flying boss Just corner shot him... Careful with his chainguns... One may hit you...;
6.14-Shielded enemies Mg will tear through his shield no other tactic needed;
6.15-Parasites Most hated enemy, just use mg or shotty to kill him and tip nr. 3 or 4;
6.16-Makron Also easiest, use tip 3 and railgun;
Guess that's all of them... If there are more enemies to be added just post it here;
7-Aim DON'T! It will NEVER hit the center, always shoot a little bit higher and little bit to left/right (depending on your handiness);
8-Others Always and if possible, duck to spot enemies at a higher ground without completely showing yourself, stick to corners, check for secrets and if you go with extra enemies, check for even more secrets and talk to other players on how to get them;
That's all I have to share, use these tactics (or not) for your advantage and happy killing...