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 The WorldServer version 0.2a is out 
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Post The WorldServer version 0.2a is out
This version contain some corrections, a WorldServer connection benchmark, and a little demonstration of XMLRules with all players in the jail (need to be 2 players for escape) :

Look at the XMLRules code :
<if keyname="classname" keyvalue="monster_gladiator" >
<if keyname="origin" keyvalue="-2040 408 24" >
<set_key keyname="classname" value="monster_soldier"/>
<if keyname="origin" keyvalue="-1360 240 24" >
<set_key keyname="classname" value="monster_soldier"/>
<entity>{ "classname" "trigger_multiple" "sounds" "2" "message" "Try to hurt the
light on the ceiling,\nit will maybe produce a shortcut.\nCall a friend and ask
him to help you\nto climb." "mins" "-1536 536 0" "maxs" "-1408 568 112" "targetname"
"twsrv01" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "trigger_multiple" "wait" "5" "killtarget" "twsrv01" "target"
"t22" "sounds" "2" "mins" "-1488 676 116" "maxs" "-1460 704 128" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "info_player_start" "targetname" "cell1" "angle" "270"
"origin" "-1440 656 80" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "ammo_cells" "origin" "-1488 0 16" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "ammo_cells" "origin" "-1456 0 16" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "weapon_hyperblaster" "origin" "-1424 0 16" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "item_health_large" "origin" "-1424 -32 16" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "item_armor_body" "origin" "-1456 -32 16" }</entity>
<entity>{ "classname" "ammo_grenades" "origin" "-1488 -32 16" }</entity>

It change the 2 guardians (gladiators) in simple soldiers, Add a start point in the cell,
add a message when player touch the cell door, add a trigger on the ceiling for opening the door,
and finally add some weapons, ammo and armor in another cell. All is controled by the WorldServer of course and can be modified by PHP script.

I work on a new version for this summer, with the WorldServer completely removed from engine and implemented in the game dll.
It will be possible to use Quake2Max or BeefQuake with the WorldServer.
The WorldServer will be more easy to integrate in other mods, and better supported by dedicated server.

What do you think about that ? what new features would you want to see or not ?
Feel free to post any comment ;)

Note from the moderator : The reconn post about security was moved here, in a more appropriate thread.

Wed Jun 26, 2002 9:10 am
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