for some reason, I really forgot to check out coopordie's forum.....................................Well, that was just that was just the beginning.
Basically, the game should have at least 2 players which would say words in a repeated cycle (in example, for 2 players, it would be player A the first one to say, then B, basically ABABABABABABAB...; for 3 players it would be ABCABCABCABC...). This would repeat until we reach a word that cannot be continued (this is where the interesting part of the game begins). Well, if you reach a word that ends in "ck"
, the next player that should say a word gets ... ... one "penalty point" (Basically, you begin out with 'F'). If the same player has the bad luck (or evil intention of the other players) to reach a dead end once again he continues the "penalty streak" to 'FA'.
Basically, each player can play as long as he didn't get to 'FAZAN' xD. If he's got there (five "penalty points"), he's out. If all the players but one get to 'FAZAN', then the game ends and the last player (the one who hasn't got out yet) wins
This makes the game a bit more complex, as you have to anticipate the words that the other players may say (in example, if you have to say a word that begins with 'ar', you won't say "Artist", because the next player will say "String" and you'd get one 'penalty point' - this if there are only 2 players).
Well... I guess this game isn't as fun in english though, since there are many (MANY) words that can block you from continuing (I haven't played it in a different language yet
Also, just if you were wondering, there are another (logical) rules, like:
-the words must be at their 'dictionary' form (you can't say 'standing', but you can say 'stand' - because basically, each verb can go to the continous form and thus every verb will be a 'blocker', thus the game being unfair; the same happens for nouns - instead of saying 'bears', you will say 'bear')