Here is the hall of fame for Quake2 challenge mode winners. All these champions have beaten the entire campaign without dying. Names marked by one star have done it in solo, and those marked by two stars have done it in a team of two. If you want to see your name here, read the rules, turn your account into "challenge mode" and go go GO !
zorg and GONZO Nova and Haunted PurQuebecois and soniacournoyer Reaper and Ilaiv Crusard Demoness Harven Razumen William Aphex MONOMARIO Onion Szyszka MRcartouche SP22 zorg Haunted Yoshy-X clockpie Doc_Holiday Sol Muusisoosi Snack SCREAMer Force noise Hendar23 Laro Yashamaru appox Nova fatboy obrgy Teo magnus
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